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Meta begins peering at LINX Nairobi, enhancing regional connectivity

Linx x Meta

London Internet Exchange (LINX) has announced that Meta, one of its global members, is now live and peering at LINX Nairobi. This significant development is part of Meta’s broader global network strategy, which leverages LINX’s interconnection hubs in the UK, US, and Africa.

Lynsey Buckingham, Partner Marketing & Communications Specialist at LINX, shared the news on LinkedIn, expressing excitement over the weeks of anticipation leading up to this milestone. Buckingham highlighted the valuable conversations with local ISPs in Nairobi, emphasizing the importance of connecting with global content networks.

LINX’s interconnected platform in Kenya aims to enhance resilience and redundancy, offering the opportunity for any network to peer at LINX Nairobi, irrespective of their data centre presence. This move is expected to bolster the region’s digital infrastructure and connectivity.

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